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24 November 2020
Team Finland Workshop - Smart Energy, Indonesia

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Team Finland Workshop - Smart Energy, Indonesia

The program includes a virtual workshop followed by 1:1 meetings.

Indonesian citizens produce 175,000 tons of solid waste per day - equivalent of 66.5 million tons last year, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Waste to Energy was included to the National Strategic Program in 2018, and therefore, Indonesia’s Presidential Decree pushes the construction of new waste to energy facilities across the country, valuing up to EUR 1.5 billion in total.

Together with Smart Energy Finland and Bio-Circular Economy Program, Business Finland is organizing a virtual workshop on November 24, 2020 at 08:00 – 11:30 (Finnish time) to boost cooperation between Finnish companies and Indonesian authorities as well as local partners. The event is tailored for companies that work in the field of Municipal Solid Waste Management (including Plastics), Waste to Energy (W2E) or Landfill Gas.

In addition to the workshop, 1:1 meetings are organized between the participants to facilitate more direct discussions.


08:00–11:30 (Helsinki time, EET)
13:00–16:30 (Jakarta time, WIB / +5h)

Welcome words from Mr. Mika Lintilä,  Minister of Economic Affairs of Finland

Executive remark by Mr. Jari Sinkari, Ambassador of Finland to Indonesia

Introduction of the workshop by Mr. Harry Dhavilla, Senior Advisor, Business Finland

Roadmap of Smart Energy Development from Finland by Ms. Helena Sarén, Head of Smart Energy Program, Business Finland

Remarks from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Mr. Ir. Dadan Kusdiana, Director General of New Energy, Renewable and Energy Conservation (tbc)

Keynote remarks by a local institution: Jakarta Environmental Agency (tbc)

Concepts of using Municipal Solid Waste for New Value Generation: 

09:00–09:15 Session I: Waste to Energy by Mr. Jussi Orhanen, Valmet; Mr.Rami Hakala, BMH Technology and Mr. Kimmo Tuppurainen, Watrec

09:15–09:30 Session II: Landfill Gas by Mr. Mikko Saalasti, Doranova

09:30–09:45 Session III: Marine Plastic Waste by Mr. Anssi Mikola, Riverrecycle Oy

09:45–09:55 Q & A Session followed by closing off the first part of the program and instructions for 1:1 meetings

09:55–10:00 Break

10:00–11:30 1:1 meetings

Closed since 24 November 2020
Organised by
Indonesia 15
Finland 14
Singapore 1
Türkiye 1
Total 31